Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Metaphysics of the new Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

The new Apple iPhone 6, and 6 Plus which have just been released in Australia,  are  a huge combination of healing, sharing, growing tools, from a metaphysical perspective.

In case you have not heard much about this viewpoint, I outline what these theories work with. Some
years back a book was published called Vibrational Medicine by Dr Richard Gerber. In this book, there was a convergence of thinking which saw modern Newtonian medicine as only half the truth. In fact a combination of conventional medicine and Vibrational Medicine could give people the chance to live their lives to the fullest by incorporating theories of energy physics -  as the best overall answer.

Energy physics can be applied to the technologies that we use every day. Natural vibrational flower essences such as the Bach Flower Remedies discoverd and classified by Dr Edward Bach in Britain in the 1930s emphasised Nature and natural processes  in healing psychological and emotional issues. Here the emphasis is on the root causative connection to mental and physical health and to see the personality of the person presenting with such issues in a holistic way. So too quartz crystals are a part of such medicine. Different type of crystals such as clear quartz, rose quartz and citrine, and amethyst have metaphysical properties such as being able to heal and balance the energy centres of the human body known as chakras or the 7 major  spinning wheels of light which is the subtle energy system upon which the physical body is built.

The metaphysical properties of computers, tablets, mobile phones, watches all use the subtle energies of the above mentioned naturally occurring energies that are tapped into to give huge powers to care for the physical body and the psychological self. In these the major component is the quartz crystal timing chips which structure everyday realities such as time, and perceptions of beingness in existence on planet Earth.

In terms of the iPhone6 and 6 plus, the energies are a synthesis of the numerological number 6 - which represents a involvement in families and family life. Its quartz crystal energy has the power to create loving relationships of various types and to solidify those relationships for the best possible way to heal loneliness and a sense of disconnection.

So too are the chips that are used in these phones- the A8 64-bit processor is metaphysically one that gives people psychic guidance in terms of the ability to tap into astral (other worlds and planets on a different dimensional level) and thereby be able to find answers to their personal questions. In terms of the  M8 motion processor, this gives information and guidance on where to be and when - i.e. being able to synchronise with others on  group soul level, which is a social media platform based in a physical way. Ie these phones are excellent for kindred souls to meet on a physical level and share common interests.

The Apple iPhone 6 and 6 plus have a psychic connection to The Runes - the ancient Nordic forecasting system,  which can be used in combination with the pebbles with symbols on them, to create a sense of the future and what ones goal and ambitions are. As such these phones are excellent for young people particularly adolescent children as they learn how to navigate an increasingly uncertain future, and can help in structuring a loving economic and social  future.

Rose Quartz Crystals 

Please consider this image and if you would like to comment on technologies from different perspectives by typing articles at home for profit, please see  Type at Home website.

Stay tuned for further information of a metaphysical nature regarding various other electronic devices, and on the iPhone 6 and 6 plus.

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